Introduction to MCCPs (Medium-chained chlorinated paraffin)

Multiphosphorus compounds (MCCPs) are used as flame retardants, plasticizers in flexible plastics, rubbers and other polymers, and in the production of PVC products. MCCPs are also used to produce rubber or other polymer products such as polyurethane, vulcanized rubber, acrylic acid or butyl sealant. MCCPs are mainly used for insulated cables and wires, flexible plastics or rubber parts like polyurethane or vulcanized rubber which are all used in electronic products such as computers and mobile phones.

Introduction to (TBBP-A tetrabromobisphenol-A)

TBBP-A is mainly used in the production of brominated epoxy resins and FR4 type printed wired boards (FR4 PWB). TBBP-A can also be used in epoxy sealants, adhesives and packaging. Moreover, it can be used as a flame retardant additive for thermoplastic electrical and electronic components such as housings made from ABS plastic. The final stakeholder meeting for the Pack 15 project on the assessment of seven substances and substance groups was held on April 27, 2020, and medium-chained chlorinated paraffin (MCCPs) and tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBP-A) were recommended for restriction in the meeting. The consultation project Pack 15, which started on December 29, 2017, included two main parts. In the part of substance restriction, an update of the existing methodology to identify and assess substances for possible restrictions should be performed and an update of the substance inventory should be completed. Additionally, a survey was conducted to collect information about several substances currently available to consumers, as well as several substances that have been restricted in the past.

The seven substances and substance groups assessed were:

  1. Cobalt dichloride and cobalt sulfate
  2. Nickel sulfate and nickel sulfamate
  3. Beryllium and its compounds
  4. Indium phosphide
  5. TBBP-A
  6. MCCPs
  7. Diantimony trioxide

On April 8, 2020, the EU's RoHS consultation agency announced that seven different substances and substance groups had been found to be non-compliant with European Union regulations. The agency published the technical dossiers for these substances subsequently and held a final stakeholder webinar on April 27, 2020, to present the final results and discuss them in a conclusive manner. No further revision cycle is foreseen.

The meeting recommended MCCPs and TBBP-A for restriction under the RoHS Directive, with no other recommendations for substances other than suggestions for some substances. It is recommended to restrict MCCPs with a chain length of C14-17—linear or branched—to meet REACH's criteria for persistent, bioaccumulation, and toxic (PBT) and very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB). Alternatives for these chemicals are commercially available. The final decision on RoHS restrictions will consider these results.

The recommended regulated limit of TBBP-A is 0.1% (mass fraction) the recommended limit of MCCPs is 0.1% (mass fraction).

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